The Department Dash
sidebar page contains just 2 sections which we would discuss:
The departments which are visible to you in the Department Dash indicate that you’ve been tagged as a member of said department. You can only view Departments which you are a member of.
Opening a given Department will reveal 3 sections
Nav bar: To help you quickly toggle between departments without needing to click ‘back’ to get to the homepage before selecting the next department you want to view.
Scrolling down a little will reveal the original Nav Bar source, please do not edit the Nav Bar or in any way tamper with it.
Quarterly Goals: The Quarterly Goals associated that Department. This section works identically to the similar section located in my Dash
Weekly Wins: The weekly wins of the users who are members of that Department. This section works identically to the similar section located in my Dash
The Nav Bar works by taking a stationary block with its desired elements and sync-pasting it in as many other locations as we want. This allows us to make edits in any of these locations and have the edits reflect everywhere else simultaneously.
It is upon this principle the Nav Bar works. Therefore, any edit made to it will be reflected in every other instance of the Nav. Deleting it will break it globally.
****The sample below shows a ‘Departments’
Nav, but any other Nav (such as that of the Calendar Quarters
) will work in the exact same way.