A Weekly Win must always be attached to a parent Quarterly Goal. The idea being that it only makes sense to make sure that the pursuits of this current week lead to definite, measurable progress on a bigger-picture level.
To put it in another way, a Weekly Win, when completed should result in the overall parent-Quarterly Goal taking at least 1 small step forward towards being completed on schedule.
This alert lets you know if a Weekly Win entry does not have a Quarterly Goal assigned yet.
To resolve this alert, navigate to the Quarterly Goals, related
property and click the area labelled empty
Upon clicking, a dropdown list of all Quarterly Goals would be displayed. Select the desired goal using the +
(plus) button to the right. Doing this will resolve the ⚠️Please assign a Quarterly Goal to this Weekly Win
<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> If the Department column is still blank after assigning a Quarterly Goal, it means the goal itself does not have a Department assigned. Here’s how to resolve that
In contrast, the -
(minus) button can be used to remove a selected Quarterly Goal (perhaps to replace it with another if need be).