Whenever you see this alert, it means you’re required to tag the relevant Calendar Quarter
within which the Quarterly Goal in question is scheduled to be completed.
To resolve this alert, navigate to the Calendar Quarter
property and click the area labelled empty
Upon clicking, a dropdown list of all departments would be displayed. Select the desired department using the +
(plus) button to the right. Doing this will resolve the ⚠️Please Tag relevant Calendar Quarter
(minus) button can be used to remove a selected Calendar Quarter.<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> A Tip on Dropdown lists: Sometimes a dropdown list might contain so much content that you may not be able to find exactly what you’re looking for from the top results. This happens because Notion defaults to prioritizing the items in order of most recently created.
To work-around this, simply begin to type what you need. The search results will filter-down in real time to show only items that match the keyword you’re typing.
For instance, if you need to tag “2024 Q2”, you can start typing “2024” and only the entries that contain ‘2024’ will be returned.
In case you accidentally clicked out of the side-peek view, you can find the newly created Quarterly Goal in the Unassigned Entries
sub-section (i.e. below the main Quarterly Goals tab).
A provision has been made for you to directly select a Quarterly Goal from a dropdown. The steps for this are exactly as described in Method-1 above.